
Hey there!

WOW! July has certainly been a CRAZY yet INCREDIBLE month! Here is what I have been up to lately…

July began with my annual trip to Keuka Lake to celebrate the 4th of July with my Dad’s side of the family.  It was great to catch up with my Aunts, Uncles, and cousins while kicking back on the lake.  After living in a city, it was quite refreshing and beautiful to be surrounded by nature.

Change of scenery & pace from city life.

Change of scenery & pace from city life.

Once I returned from Keuka Lake it was time to pack for my mission trip to the Dominican Republic.  The summers of 2008, 2009, and 2010 I went on mission trips through my church and a non-profit organization called Foundation For Peace.  We have been building a school hand-in-hand with the community of La Javilla.  I was unable to go on the trip the past two summers, however, this summer I was finally able to go back.  I was astounded by the growth of the school that we had built together with our hands, as well as the growth of many of the children I had grown so close to over the past years.  It felt so great to be reunited with my wonderful friends.  The 10 days flew by, but I hold dear countless memories from my time spent there.  The mission trip was an affirmation to my passion of service and teaching.  Here are some highlights from the trip through pictures!

When I first went back in 2008, there was just a foundation for us to lay the first bricks, now the school is 3 stories! AMAZING.

When I first went back in 2008, there was just a foundation for us to lay the first bricks, now the school is 3 stories! AMAZING.

Reunited with my dear friend, Doralis.  She is a true inspiration.  Doralis is blind, but that does not hold her back from anything.  She is a brilliant young lady who always wants to learn and teach. We always have fun teaching each other words, songs, and games.

Reunited with my dear friend, Doralis, after two years. She is a true inspiration. Doralis is blind, but that does not hold her back from anything. She is a brilliant young lady who always wants to learn and teach. We always have fun teaching each other words, songs, and games.

Taking a break from work by playing games and a photo op!

Taking a break from work by playing games and a photo op!

Singing with Doralis at the Medical Clinic.

Singing with Doralis at the Medical Clinic.

On our way to the airport, we stopped at Casa De Luz, House of Light, which is a home for children with disabilities.  The children were filled with joy and the smiles on their faces lit up our hearts.

On our way to the airport, we stopped at Casa De Luz, House of Light, which is a home for children with disabilities. The children were filled with joy and the smiles on their faces lit up our hearts.

I got back to my house around 2am on the 19th and by 3am my family and I were packed in the car headed to North Carolina.  This beach trip is our annual family reunion with my moms side of the family.  I have many little cousins and they certainly kept me busy all week playing on the beach! We had a wonderful week together with many memories and laughs.

Great to spend quality time with my family!

Great to spend quality time with my family!

At the beginning of the summer my sister, Emily, and her boyfriend, Jake, got engaged! It was exciting to have my soon-to-be brother-in-law with us on vacation! :)

At the beginning of the summer my sister, Emily, and her boyfriend, Jake, got engaged! It was exciting to have my soon-to-be brother-in-law with us on vacation! 🙂

Whew! As amazing as July was, I’m looking forward to getting back into my routine in Philly.  I will be starting work again on Monday and living in my new apartment! Stay tuned for an update from my new place. I’m so thankful for this past month with all the memories and lessons that occurred. I’ll always go back to this month to bring a smile to my face. 🙂